Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wed Class

I've had a bad knee all day. Not sure what I've done to it so I was gentle tonight. I definetly will ice it tomorrow and wear a brace tomorrow night.

TKD-we did kicking techniques on BOB. Man, I need one of those. It's cool. I need to mount my spin kick thing too because I need lots of work on crescent kicks. We ran through forms and played with sticks a little too. (Arnis sticks not big sticks).

DZR-Anthony was there so I worked with him on the first ten yarawas and the four nages that occur on the first test. Jay and I worked on some of my new throws and his new throws too. It was fun. It was neat to actually teach. I really enjoyed it. I think it's neat that the DZR tradition allows students to teach newer students. It reinforces the technique to me when I have to teach it. Anthony and I did a little aikido afterwards (but just a couple techniques each because I know Dr. Bell wanted to leave. ) and it was awesome to bust out the old aikido. It's so much fun. I remember now why it was so attractive. But it's soooooo frustrating. I don't have near the frustration with jujitsu but it could be that I'm a little older and a little mellower now. Nonetheless, I really dig it.

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