Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday Class

TKD- I kicked butt in TKD. This may be the first time I feel like I did better in TKD than in DZR. Jits didn't go poorly, I just performed very well in TKD for once. We ran through some basic techniques punching, blocking, kicking, then went in and kicked BOB for a while. Jay joined us late but he got to kick BOB. Then we did forms. It's starting to come together. I ordered a focus target that attatches to my wavemaster so that will help me on my cresent kicks which currently are crap.

DZR-After warm up, Sensei worked with me on new yawaras, and Jay and David worked on the first test stuff for David. Then we switched. I worked with David, and Jay and Sensei worked on his new stuff. Then we did some ground work defending the strong man pick you up when you are on your back. My knee was really getting sore and so I just did kimura exercises with Sensei. Man, those things work your obliques bigtime. I then proceded to dream about Brazillian Jiu Jitsu all night so I feel like I've had a nonstop workout.

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